General Skating Sites
Trail Sites
Minneapolis Parks (the Chain of Lakes, Cedar Trail, Kenilworth Trail, and the Greenway Trail)
Dakota County Parks (Big Rivers Regional Trail)
Three Rivers Park District (Southwest LRT Trail, Northern Corridor Trail)
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (Gateway Trail, Root River Trail, the Munger Trail, and others)
Washington County Parks (Sunrise Prairie Trail)
MSP Trails - a blog by a MISC member who documents local bike and ski.
Minnesota Clubs and Organizations
Monday Night Skate - social skate for all abilities
Bladies #mplsbladies on Instagram Facebook - Minneapolis ladies skate group
Rick Abrahamson's time trials - good workout for racers looking to improve their skills
Other Clubs and Organizations (Portland, OR)
Minnesota Skate Businesses
Rollerbob - wheels and bearings
Zephyr Adventures (no longer in Minnesota, but they got their start here)
Other Skate Businesses
Do you have a web site you'd like to have listed here? E-mail us and give us the name of your site and the URL.